
News item

vessel: Not (Yet) a Manifesto!

Category: International


vessel invites on December 15th 2012 at 6 pm at El Ranchito Matadero, Madrid for a night of informal discussion, on engaging collaboratively in a discussion to activate an alternative critical practice responsive to our current time which resemble more often a market driven economy… while more civic engagement is needed.

"The past critique has been a binary logic – the neo-liberal regime and the leftist ideologies have both revealed to be ineffective. So, we believe institutions has to move outside of this duality to keep up with the current merging paradoxes.
For this reason we decided to activate a space for collaborative thinking which may allow for the possibility of creating responses to the contemporary way of producing culture.
We invite you, as a cultural producer living in the current scenario to generate ideas together  in order to develop a new kind of positioning in
response to effects of post-industrial intangible production.
In particular we would like to challenge the inherited notion of institutional critique: How is it possible in our current milieu -a regime of all captive capitalism- to open up a critique through the means of cultural production towards the machinic logic of the institution?
We would look forward to your company on December 15th 2012 at 6 pm at El Ranchito Matadero, Madrid for a night of informal discussion, to share your experiences and ideas and to create or de-create something together.

vessel is a curatorial collective of Bari, Italy. Its members Anna Santomauro and Viviana Checchia have been invited to a three week investigation residency in Madrid within the framework of Curators' Network.

The discussion will be led by Anna and Viviana. Francesco Scasciamacchia and Jerlyn Jareunpoon are going to follow the discussion through skype.

More information here:

and here:

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