Karol Hordziej

Foundation for Visual Arts

Karol Hordziej (born 1981) is a cultural manager and curator.

He is the president of the Foundation for Visual Arts, a Krakow-based, non-profit arts organization dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of the visual arts in Poland, with an emphasis on photography.

Since 2006, Hordziej has served as artistic director of the Krakow Photomonth Festival (www.photomonth.com), an annual international photography festival organized by the Foundation.

From 2007-2011 he was a co-founder and director of the ZPAF i S-ka Gallery, a commercial contemporary photography gallery.

Recently, Hordziej curated a group show entitled "Photography in Everyday Life", in collaboration with British curator Charlotte Cotton. The exhibit, which anchored the Experimental Section at this year's Photomonth Festival, invited the viewing public to roll up its sleeves and participate directly with teams of professional curators.

The result was a dynamically evolving workspace environment, in which both curators and viewers, working in concert and in response to each other, helped to actively shape the exhibit over the course of the month-long Festival.
Who Karol Hordziej Born Poland, 1981
What Cultural Agent Works for Foundation for Visual Arts
Activity Gathering Romania Web www.sztukawizualna.org

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