Karla Pudar

Gallery SC, Student Centre Zagreb

Karla Pudar is a curator and currently acting head of the Visual Arts Department in the Zagreb Student Centre.

The Gallery SC was founded in 1962 and since its first days it has been one of the most important non-commercial, public exhibition venues for generating new artistic scenes and tendencies of contemporary art. Besides exhibiting established artists, special attention is given on promoting young emerging artists and presenting interesting international scenes. Since 2009 an international residency programme of visual arts has been established.

Karla has realized numerous visual arts, literary, and multimedia exhibitions, projects, and festivals. Her interests are wide, mostly connected with culture. Most recently she curated an exhibiton about Croatian animation films: "Surrogate of Reality – 50 years since the only Croatian Oscar" with Marta Kiš.
Who Karla Pudar Born Croatia, 1984
What Cultural Agent Works for Gallery SC, Student Centre Zagreb
Activity Gathering Austria Web hr.linkedin.com/pub/karla-puda...

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