Estelle Nabeyrat

Freelance curator and art critic

Estelle Nabeyrat is a German French curator and art critic based in Paris and Lisbon where she runs a project called πνεῦμα. Graduated in Art History and Social Sciences (Uni Leipzig & Ehess), she took part to the Ecole du Magasin and worked at Akademie of Vienna (2003). She then joined the School of Fine arts Lyon (ENBA) as Coordinator of International Affairs & Post diploma (2003-2008) before becoming Head of Study at School of Art & Design in Reims and then at Ecole du Magasin Grenoble (2014-15).
She curated exhibitions at Neuer Aachner Kunstverein, Museu da Republicà-Rio de Janeiro, galerie Emmanuel Hervé, Palais de Tokyo, Dallascontemporary, La Box-Bourges...
Her texts were published in several art reviews (L'art même, Kaleidoscope, South as a mind...) and catalogs. She was curator in residency at Palais de Tokyo (2010-11) and Capacete Brazil (2011). She received the Brown Fellowship from the Museum of Fine Arts Houston (2009) and the Research allocation by the Cnap for a research on Anthropophagia (2012). She also works as a producer (Performa Bienal 15, NY) and translator for several institutions and artists.

Who Estelle Nabeyrat Born France, 1978
What Cultural Agent Works for Freelance curator and art critic
Activity Gathering Hungary Web
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