Adam Nankervis

Artist, Independent curator

Adam Nankervis  (Artist, Independent curator)

"another vacant space."

Adam Nankervis is an artist and curator who has infused social, conceptual and experimental practice in his lived in nomadic museum, museum MAN, and his ongoing project 'another vacant space.'. His immersion into the experimentation of social sculptural forms and aesthetic collisions are a trademark of his art.

His ongoing project 'another vacant space.', has re-manifested in Berlin Wedding 2011, since being founded in an abandoned shoe shop on Mercer Street NYC in 1992. The project focuses on the re-emergence of the hidden in subject, content and theory, the ephemeral, exploring the art of creative destruction and reconstruction inviting contemporary artists and the historical.

His curatorial practice is infused within his own projects, Blurprint of The Senses, Liverpool Biennale, 2006, A Spires Embers, Arsenal Kiev 2009,' iIsolation', Izolyatsia Donetsk, Ukraine 2010, including, with Leo Kuelbs & Rachel Rits-Vollochs – A Wake, Dumbo Arts Center, NYC November 2012.

Adam Nankervis, in collaboration with David Medalla, formed The Mondrian Fan Club, & is the International Coordinator of the London Biennale 2000–2012 which was founded as a free-form artist initiative.
Who Adam Nankervis Born Australia,
What Cultural Agent Works for Artist, Independent curator
Activity Gathering Poland Web

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