Artist and Cultural Agents Database

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Projects (last added)

Offshoring Pathways

by: Michelle-Marie Letelier

Installation conceptual, landscape, research, acrylic, city, public space

Jing Jin City

by: Andi Schmied

Other landscape, conceptual, artists book


by: Alain Urrutia

Painting charcoal, figurative, large format, oil paint, series

The Garages of Chervonograd

by: Babiychuk Anatoliy

Photography analogous, city, conceptual, large format, research, series

Artists (random)

Sorin Oncu

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Daniela Palimariu

Artist Gathering Sibiu

Arnold Reinthaler

Artist Gathering Vienna

Paweł Borkowski

Artist Gathering Krakow

Cultural agents (random)

Katarzyna Roj

Cultural Agent Design Gallery BWA Wrocław

Gaweł Kownacki

Cultural Agent Freelance curator, chairman and co-curator of F.A.I.T. (Foundation Artists Innovation Theory) in Krakow

Huib Haye van der Werf

Cultural Agent TAAK

Barbara Mahlknecht

Cultural Agent

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