Field trip to Prague

Curators’ Network has been invited for a curatorial field trip to Prague by CCP, the national Czech programme for the internationalization of the national art sector.

Curators’ Network has been invited for a curatorial field trip to Prague by CCP, the national Czech programme for the internationalization of the national art sector.

From September 24 to September 28 the participating curators and institutions from Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Spain, and Romania meet artists, institutions and gather for panel discussions.

Czech private and public institutions have launched already since decades a big number of initiatives that seek an internationalization of the local art sector with initiatives such as The main purpose of the meeting is to highlight existing projects in order to consolidate networks and an international collaboration for promoting curators and artists internationally.

Special meetings are being held with Edith Jeřábková from the Academy of Art, Architecture and Design, Michal Novotný of the project Futura, Karina Kottová and Zuzana Jakalová from Meetfactory, Ondřej Stupal  of Centre for Contemporary Art, and with Pavel Vančát of Startpoint . On September 26 we organize a public panel discussion at the venue of Tranzitdisplay.

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