
Encura residency program at ARCOmadrid

Side Projects > Spain

The Encura residency program for curators, which we organise in collaboration with Hangar Barcelona, will be presented at ARCO Madrid on Thursday 23, at 12am, sala36, stand 9H28.

The Encura residency program for curators, which we organise in collaboration with Hangar Barcelona, will be presented at ARCO Madrid on Thursday 23, at 12am, sala36, stand 9H28.

In addition to the presentation of the general frameworks of Encura, the former and actual residents Maykson Cardoso, Jaime González Cela y Manuela Pedrón Nicolau and Renan Laru-an will share their projects process and results.

For more info about #Encura, click here.

Maykson Cardoso curatorial performance at Supersimétrica Curators' Network is now online

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